[TF2] Real Thirdperson

TF2 Real Thirdperson


This allows usage of the real thirdperson provided in the source engine.

Thirdperson strictly relies on sv_cheats being set to 1 on the client thus there are many plugins out there to work around this by changing the camera or setting yourself as your own spectator and such.

However in TF2 many player cosmetics do not render on your own player without sv_cheats 1 and real thirdperson.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This script sends the sv_cheats value of 1 to the client without setting it on the server. This allows the client to use the thirdperson command however it also opens access to commands that can be used for the purpose of cheating. For example wireframe mode. This plugins was written with non competative trade servers in mind.

Misc Fixes: There are a few cases where thirdperson is disabled. These include a camera bug on spawn and going back to firstperson after taunting. I have included fixes for both of these.

There is also a check for the host_timescale cvar being altered on server so that sv_cheats 0 is not sent to the client in case you have something like slowmo that relies on it.


sm_thirdperson Enable the tiny elf that floats over your head with a camera

sm_firstperson Murder said elf and hold the camera yourself.


tf2_thirdperson_taunt_delay "0.4" Delay before thirdperson is enabled again after a taunt.


1.0 - Initial release.

Attached Files

File Type: sp

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Get Source (tf2_real_thirdperson.sp - 4.8 KB)

Orignal From: [TF2] Real Thirdperson

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