sXe Injected 12.1 Download

sXe Injected Counter Strike Anticheat (Client/Server)
Free download: sXe Injected Anticheat Last Version


sXe Injected 12.1  new! - 66504 downloads

sXe Injected 12.1 (17/02/2012)


Windows Server new! - 1759 downloads

Windows Server (17/02/2012)

Linux Server new! - 411 downloads

Linux Server  (17/02/2012)
Fix: "subsystem altered!" false positive.
Fix: Alias blocked again
Fix: Anti-SoundHack fixed (server side)
Fix: Client CPU consume 
Fix: Data Execution Prevention (DEP) fixed
Add: new validations for cheats
Add: new challenge
Add: new validations for maps
Add: Command lines added (-gl, -d3d, -soft)
Add: IWS minor bugs
Add: No more advertise while game is open (fps drops fixed). When game is launched advertisement on client is removed. This improves FPS and CPU usage.
Add: Screenshots information. Screenshots has embebed information.Hardware ID, client IP, Server IP, Screenshot Date.
Fix: Minor bug related to
Fix: players kicked (no injected present)
Add: Ability to save captured screenshots
Variables: __sxei_screen_save, __sxei_screen_path 
Set __sxei_screen_save to 1 (default 0). All screenshots are saved into //<__sxei_screen_path> ie: /cstrike/sxe_screens_from_players/BD05.6711_1328578837.jpg 
Fileformat: $$$$.$$$$_##########.jpg
$$$$.$$$$ = HID part
######### = server date
Great Deals Discounted, Don't miss the chance:

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