What Are Your Favorite TV Shows?

What are your favorite TV Shows of the past season? Essentially, today's post is about me wanting to know what are your favorite recently ended or currently airing TV shows. In the coming weeks, I plan to review many of the series that I have recently watched, including, The Flash, Forever, Agents of SHIELD, and several more. 

I want to know what your favorites are both as recommendations for myself and to know what TV shows are popular and which ones I should write about. So, please, if you would, let me know in the comments what are some of your favorite TV shows from the recent season. Thanks everyone for participating, and check back tomorrow for my review of The Flash - Season 1 and Wednesday for the first part of my Top 25 TV Shows of 2015-14.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to johnstarslayer@gmail.com.

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