Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation

Ultimate Warcraft 3 Next Generation (UWC3NG) is a raceless version of the Warcraft3:FT plugin you may be familiar with.
UWC3NG provides players with 50 playable levels and a freeform skills system which allows you to mix and match skills of your choosing.
In addition UWC3NG offers players a choice of 10 ultimate skills and you can train up to 3 different ultimates, as well as other special abilities.
UWC3NG also offers an optional Enhancement system to provide your character with even more customization.

UWC3NG is based on the new WC3:FT r11 plugin. It's also completely new rewritten!

AMX Mod X v1.8.0 or higher

UWC3NG Installation instruction
Step 1
Download the required files below.

Step 2
Extract all included files from the *.zip file to your mod folder.
Be sure that the directory structure is the same as in the *.zip file.

Step 3
Open the plugins.ini in your /amxmodx/configs/ folder.
Add at the end of the file this line:


Save and close the file.

Step 4
Open the uwc3ng.cfg file in your /amxmodx/configs/uwc3ng/ folder.
Set up all commands to your settings. Behind all commands are a description.

Step 5
Restart your server completely.

Developed by DA (Michel Vocks)
Special Thanks Geesu for his awesome wc3FT mod. K2mia for the uwc3 mod.
Other to all old uwc3 developer...

.: Additional plugins :.
Warcraft Item Bot by DA

.: Changelog :.
- Fixed Vampiric Aura bug
- Fixed Longterm XP bug
- Added a CVAR to set items showen as a hudmessage or as a status text

- Fixed resistante display bug
- Fixed some MySQL issues
- Added a CVAR to set the ultimate round start delay

- Fixed CSDM FFA issue
- Fixed Spawnprotection bug
- nerved Hex skill
- Fixed godmode bug

- Fixed Hexed bug
- Added CSDM FFA feature

- Fixed Carriondot slowed but
- Dots can only one time occur

- Fixed lost hp issue
- Fixed Big Bad Voodoo with Blink bug

- Fixed sneak bug
- Carriondot and Shadowdot should disappear now on round restart
- Added re-menu open when you have available skills/resists/attribs

- Removed NVAULT support
- Added another way to save the XP
- Constituation is now stronger (increase heal instead of time)
- Added another way to reset the previous data (hex, shadowdot, carriondot etc)
- Fixed Steel Skin skill bug
- Fixed output from savexp command
- Fixed some hudmessages.

- Fixed enhanced DamageTaken function
- Added CVAR for saving the xp on every round (look uwc3ng.cfg)
- Added "Fill resist" feature. Player can fill a complete resistant.
- Added Carrion Beetles & Shadow Strike dot
- Fixed Ultimate Serpent Ward Ultimate delay bug
- Added two new sprites (ATTENTATION). Be sure that you upload these.
- Attrib Intellect the bonuses are now additive
- Fixed Healing Wave & Constitution bug
- Fixed double weapon reincarnation
- Added display items on spectation another player
- And some more bugs (which I forgot :-( )

- Fixed Necklace-BigBadVoodoo bug (only Blocked by blink)
- Fixed Respawn bug
- Wcrepair/Wcmend and hex messages are now as hudmessage
- Set the spawnprotection to 3 seconds
- Fixed Constituation bug
- Fixed Dropskill devotionaura bug
- Helm, BigBadVoodoo Check, Mole protection, Evasion should now work

- Configure XP-table (ATTENTATION: All players will lose levels)
- Fixed CollideSkill message
- Fixed Steel Skin skill
- Added debug function for Skills/Resists/Attribs
- Fixed Skin bug
- Updated XP-Table function
- Updated help-sides (you should overwrite the old)

- Fixed Healing Wave errors
- Added Skillsrestrictions with debug function (maybe all skills reset first time)
- Added two CVAR's for Longterm XP (no savexp)
- Updated the uwc3ng.cfg

- Fixed Assist XP bug
- Fixed Sneak bug
- Fixed Cloak bug

- Fixed Scroll of Respawning bug
- Modified charsheet motd
- Fixed Healing Wave bug
- Fixed Evasion bug
- Fixed Repair&Mend only for user with this skill bug
- Fixed CVAR Repair & Mend bug
- Fixed Serpent Ward point bug

- Fixed the Skill/Attrib/Resist reset bug
- Fixed the Unholy Aura bug
- Fixed the Serpent Ward bug
- Added a cvar for the wcrepair and wcmend icons
- Fixed the hex bug
- Fixed the Scroll of Respawning bug

- Optimzed some stuff
- Fixed bot start level
- Fixed bot automaticle skill choice
- Fixed that bot's save their xps and skills
- Fixed bot available skill, attribs and resistances points

- Added reset data function

- Fixed mole double bomb
- Fixed enemys can see other heal&repair sprites

- Fixed Armor backup on Equipment Reincarnation
- Added complete new Sprite system for wcmend & wcrepair
- Added repair sound and mend sound
- Fixed spawn without hud bug

- Fixed Chargeitems in the hud
- Fixed startlevel of the bots
- Fixed spectate hud bug
- Added extra money for csdm server's
- Fixed slowdown bug after weaponchange
- Fixed Item "Ring" bug in hud
- Fixed Bot's ultimate cast chance

- Added report kill function
- Added CVAR to disable the minmodels check

- Fixed hexed message output
- Fixed phoenix message output
- Fixed suicide bomber ultimate timer
- Added completely new nvault system

- Fixed error messages

- Fixed Suicide Bomber bug
- Fixed Kill assist xp bug
- Fixed last player skills bug

- Fixed load XP bug
- Fixed Bot startlevel bug
- Fixed rank name in the charsheet motd
- Fixed whois command in the chat

- Fixed some little issues

- Fixed command 'who'

- Added bot support
- Added help command
- Fixed mysql bug
- Fixed resist help bug
- Add startlevel cvar

.: Why should I use uwc3ng instead of uwc3? :.
- UWC3NG is based on the newest wc3ft version
- Intelligent bot AI
- Hamsandwich support
- Less cpu usage (tested!)
- Many old bugfixes
- Added Ultimate Carrion Swarm
- Added skill siphon Armor
- Psychostats support
- More balanced
- Items Necklace and helm now with charges
- This mod will be supported ;P
- Better save system
- Fixed some kicks from the server
- Readable sourcecode (sorry K2mia)
- Ultimate Teleport fixes and secure cvars
- All in all - Better and newer

uwc3ng. zip (1.39 MB, 241 views)
uwc3ng_source. zip (136.9 KB, 129 views)

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