[DEV] Event Info

[DEV] Event Info

Version: 1.0.0

Hello again everyone. Today I bring all of you a handy dandy plugin which dynamically hooks all possible game events.

This plugin is very large once compiled, due to the very large arrays that it creates. To reduce size of the plugin, change MAX_EVENTS to something smaller, I know that L4D2 in total has about 300 events, but most games don't have that many. You can reduce this to about 200 or less for most games.

These commands are used to begin printing event info to chat:

These commands need the generic admin flag to be used!

"sm_listen <event>" "Start or stop listening to an event"

Ex: sm_listen player_hurt

The above example starts listening to player_hurt

^This command works as a toggle.

"sm_keylisten <event> [keyname]" "Start or stop listening to an event"

Ex: sm_keylisten player_hurt

The above example starts listening to player_hurt and all of its keys

Ex2: sm_keylisten player_hurt userid

The above example starts listening to player_hurt and only its userid key.

^This command works as a toggle on an individual key level and at an event level.

"sm_listentoall" "Start listening to all events"

^This is not a toggle, use sm_stoplisten to stop listening to all events.

"Start listening to all events and their keys"

^This is not a toggle, use sm_stoplisten to stop listening to all events and keys.

"Stop listening to all events and keys"

"sm_listevents" "List all hooked events"

"sm_listkeys <event>" "List all keys for an event"

Ex: sm_listkeys player_hurt

"sm_searchevents <searchstring>" "Search for events"

Ex: sm_searchevents player

^This example will find all events that contain "player" and print them to you.


1.0.0 - Initial Release

Attached Files

File Type: sp

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Get Source (dev_eventinfo.sp - 13.6 KB)

Orignal From: [DEV] Event Info

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