Point Blank Dm_Crackdown Map - Optimized for Higher FPS

Counter Strike Map preview:
Point Blank Map - Dm_Crackdown - Higher FPS Optimized
Point Blank Dm_Crackdown Map - Optimized for Higher FPS

This is an optimized version of the previous Crackdown map. Its appearance is just the same. But I managed to reduce the filesize and unnecessary faces, so you can play it with higher frame per second (FPS).

Screenshot for Texture: NotSoPro
Texture: Hessho & CSPB
Prototype: Hessho
Mapping & Compile: CSPB
FPS Optimization: CSPB Reborn

Download link:
Dm_Crackdown Map - Optimized for Higher FPS

Thanks for not reuploading this map anywhere.

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