Benedict Cumberbatch is Marvel's Doctor Strange?

Before Marvel’s big announcement of their Phase 3 film lineup, which you can read about here, a rumor about Benedict Cumberbatch coming close to closing a deal with Marvel to play Doctor Strange was leaked. If you remember any of my early posts about the Doctor Strange film, Cumberbatch was at the top of my personal fantasy casting, as well as many other fans, and it seems that Marvel cannot stop pleasing its audience. After Marvel announcing that we essentially got everything we wanted in the Phase 3 lineup, Marvel will also hopefully finish the deal with Cumberbatch. Considering Doctor Strange's character in the comics, Cumberbatch is the best possible choice, aside from maybe Viggo Mortensen. Back around Comic-Con, Joaquin Phoenix was rumored to play Doctor Who, but apparently, a deal could not be closed, which is probably for the best considering his inability to be a team player. As for Cumberbatch, all he needs to do is grow a mustache and change his hair a bit, and he is the perfect Doctor Strange. What do you think about the casting? Please comment below and let me know. Also, please do not forget to check back Tuesday and Friday for my breakdown of Marvel Phase 3.

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