Blogging Tips: Part 2

Part 2 of my Blogging Tips is here with several more tips that might help you with your blog.

Plan Ahead
If you are like me, and plan to post on a set schedule, which, for me, is every day, you have to plan ahead. If you want to post something on a certain day at a certain time, or every day, you have to have posts written in advance. Whenever I have some free time and feel like writing a lot, I usually write several posts in a day. Having things written in advance provides you with the ability to post something on days when you do not have time to actually write. Often times, many of my posts may sit around as a draft for months until the time is right. For example, aside from some slight editing and this sentence, I wrote this entire post months ago. Of course, if your blog is more about your current life or you do not have a schedule, planning ahead is not necessary. 

Know Your Audience
If your goal is to appeal to your readers, then knowing your audience is crucial. Some blogs have a very specific topic like Doctor Who or Star Wars, so appealing to your readers is simple and straightforward. However, for a blog like J and J Productions, where the topic is generally everything movie and geek related, knowing when and what to post is important. Since the readers of J and J Productions range from Star Wars fans to Otaku to movie buffs, I usually try to spread out my various types of posts weekly. Of course, it does not always work, but I try my best. 

Comment, Comment, Comment, and Comment!
If you want people to read your blog, the most effective way to get people to read your blog is to comment on other blogs. Of course, you have to have something constructive to say or enjoy doing it, but if you share an interest with someone on another blog or you have something to add to the discussion, comment. For me, reading and writing comments is one of the best and most enjoyable parts of blogging. Ironically, due to my current injury of my arm, I have had to cut down on the commenting and typing in general.

Split-Up Large Posts
Having extremely long posts is often a turn off for some readers. In general, I try to keep my posts under 1500 words, although that is not always the case. If possible, splitting up larger posts that have specific stopping points, like lists, it is often a great way to both post more often and give the reader a more manageable piece of reading.

Writing Comments
In addition to commenting in general, you may need to adjust your writing style depending on the blog that you are commenting on. While this is more blogging etiquette than a tip, when I comment on a serious blog, I usually avoid emoticons, at least until I know what the author uses and prefers. Some people hate emoticons, while others use them all the time. But again, this is more etiquette than a real “tip.” Also, a general note for J and J Productions, you can comment however you want, providing there is no profanity.

Enjoy It
Last, but not least, is enjoying it. As clichéd as it might sound, enjoying what you do is the most important thing to having a successful blog. If you do not enjoy it, then why are you doing it? Blogging is my favorite hobby, and that is why I do it, among various other reasons.

That does it for my Blogging Tips. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Do you have tips of your own? Please let me know in the comments.

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