New Signatures... Again

After the overwhelmingly positive feedback to my alternate post signature with Han Solo holding the text, I have decided to make a new (and hopefully improved) version of the signature with more defined text as well as various alternate versions with filters. What I want to know is which of the versions do you like the most? I titled each version so you can let me know which one you prefer. My current preference is a toss-up between the No FX, Grainy FX, and Dawn Light, but I want to know your opinion in the comments. Thanks to anyone that votes! Also, please check back tomorrow for a trailer review and Tuesday for my review of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Nostalgia Filter (Including Text)
Grainy FX
Black and White
Dawn Light
Aged FX
If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to

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