Ant-Man Meets the Avengers in New Posters?

Well, Marvel is making sure that everyone knows that Ant-Man is apart of the Avengers with these new posters! Of course, these posters have little to do with the film itself, but the idea behind them is actually a lot of fun. At the bottom is the Russian poster for the film, which is also unique. After Age of Ultron's slight critical misstep, hopefully Ant-Man can renew critics and audience's faith in the franchise. On a side note, hopefully I will be able to see Jurassic World this week and review it soon.

Ant-Man's Russian poster is certainly different. It reminds of old spy films, and considering what the early descriptions of the film, it makes sense. If I remember correctly, The Winter Soldier's Russian poster featured a similar visual motif with the white circles.  

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