Become a Fake Admin. Color Chat

I don't know if it is already posted 
You can chat in colors in counter strike ,
1)  >>Download it<< 
2) Copy the configs in cstrike folder *
3) Write in your main config this 
bind "l" "exec sayteam.cfg"
bind "j" "exec say.cfg"
bind "v" "exec sayotros.cfg
(of course you can change the keys)
then in game you can chat pressing these keys
note. "sayteam" and "sayotros" only work when you are dead
and "say" always works
* No Steam: C: \Program Files\Valve\cstrike\
* for steam : C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\”your account”\counter-strike\cstrike\

See Sample

its very funny when other players thinks that you're admin

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