New Blog Header!

Today I unveil a new, and long overdue, header for J and J Productions 1809! Let's do a quick rundown of the various changes. 
First, instead of just replace a few posters, I decided to change things like the blog's slogan, which is now "A Blog About Movies, Anime, TV Shows and Everything Geek," and with the current direction of the blog, it seems to be a better fit. 
As for the other changes, I added the full name of J and J Productions along various new posters from a few popular television and anime, since those topics have almost become more popular than the movies. In addition to that, I replaced all of the posters, even the ones that look the same, with high resolution versions so that the header is clearer. Below the image of the new header, is the old one, so that you can see how it has changed. Hopefully, the new header better reflects the content of J and J Productions since the last update way back in the summer of 2013. Also, has anyone actually seen every film/TV show on the header? Please let me know what you think of the new header in the comments below, and check back Monday for my review of Transformers: Age of Extinction and tomorrow for my review of Akame ga Kill.

If you want to contact us or have any questions please send an e-mail to

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