[CSS] Realistic Grenade (Explodes if holded for too many time)
With this plugin I tried tosimulate what happens in games like call of duty that if you hold your He grenade "unlocked" (pressing MOUSE1) for too many time it explodes in your hand killing you.
- "rg_time" - Sets the time you can hold your HE unlocked before it explodes | default "rg_time 10"
Just put the smx file in your addons folder and load it by the command: "sm plugins load realgrenades" without quotes by rcon.
Thats all, hope you enjoy!
With this plugin I tried tosimulate what happens in games like call of duty that if you hold your He grenade "unlocked" (pressing MOUSE1) for too many time it explodes in your hand killing you.
- "rg_time" - Sets the time you can hold your HE unlocked before it explodes | default "rg_time 10"
Just put the smx file in your addons folder and load it by the command: "sm plugins load realgrenades" without quotes by rcon.
Thats all, hope you enjoy!
Orignal From: [CSS] Realistic Grenade (Explodes if holded for too many time)
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