[CS:S, ZReloaded & ZRiot] Laser mines v1.0
Console Variables:
Translations available:
Console Commands:
- SDKHooks 2.0+
- If you are using one of these mode:
- Zombie:Reloaded r647+
- or
- Zombie:Riot
- Plants a laser mine to the wall to kill players
Console Variables:
- Zombie mode:
- zr_lasermines_enable (zriot_lasermines_enable) - On/off switcher
- zr_lasermines_amount (zriot_lasermines_amount) - The amount to give laser mines to a player each spawn (if buy mode is disabled, -1 = Infinity)
- zr_lasermines_maxamount (zriot_lasermines_maxamount) - The maximum amount of laser mines a player can carry. (0-Unlimited)
- zr_lasermines_damage (zriot_lasermines_damage) - The damage to deal to a player by the laser
- zr_lasermines_health (zriot_lasermines_health) - The laser mines health. 0 = never breaked
- zr_lasermines_activatetime (zriot_lasermines_activatetime) - The delay of laser mines' activation
- zr_lasermines_buymode (zriot_lasermines_buymode) - Enables buy mode. In this mode you will have to buy mines
- zr_lasermines_buyzone (zriot_lasermines_buyzone) - Whether a player have to stay in buy zone to buy mines
- zr_lasermines_price (zriot_lasermines_price) - The price of the laser mines
- zr_lasermines_color (zriot_lasermines_color) - The laser's color. Set by RGB
- Public:
- sm_lasermines_enable - On/off switcher
- sm_lasermines_amount - The amount to give laser mines to a player each spawn (if buy mode is disabled, -1 = Infinity)
- sm_lasermines_maxamount - The maximum amount of laser mines a player can carry. (0-Unlimited)
- sm_lasermines_damage - The damage to deal to a player by the laser
- sm_lasermines_health - The laser mines health. 0 = never breaked
- sm_lasermines_activatetime - The delay of laser mines' activation
- sm_lasermines_buymode - Enables buy mode. In this mode you will have to buy mines
- sm_lasermines_buyzone - Whether a player have to stay in buy zone to buy mines
- sm_lasermines_price - The price of the laser mines
- sm_lasermines_color_t - Terrorist's color. Set by RGB
- sm_lasermines_color_ct - Counter-Terrorist's color. Set by RGB
Translations available:
- English
- Russian
Console Commands:
- sm_buylm <amount or nothing> - To buy mines
- sm_blm <amount or nothing> - To buy mines
- sm_bm <amount or nothing> - To buy mines
- sm_laser - To plant a laser mine
- sm_plant - To plant a laser mine
- sm_lm - To plant a laser mine
Orignal From: [CS:S, ZReloaded & ZRiot] Laser mines v1.0
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