CSS BRush (beta)


With this plugin, the players are limited to a total of 8 - 3 on CT and 5 on Terrorist.

The objective is the RUSH B. This works with almost any de_ map where there are two clearly identified bomb sites (like how the default de_ maps are).

Here's a Youtube Video showing you the action and how much fun this plugin will be.

In all rounds where the CTs win, the game continues as normal.

In all rounds where the Terrorists win, there is a team change. The three Terrorists who killed a CT in the winning round change sides with the CTs. If only 2 Terrorists killed the three CTs (or 1 Terrorist killed the CTs), 1 (or 2) randomly selected Terrorists will be switched to the CT team.

This plugin was a request and there is an ES version of this plugin as well.

This plugin acts like a PUG (pick up game) in that it waits for 8 players before it "lives" the round. I'll be adding to this plugin CVars for server admins to determine if it should run as a PUG or more like a lo3 (live on 3) where an admin (or designee) types a command to start the match.

With this plugin you can allow/deny grenades (smokers and flashes too) and AWPs - see the generated config file (or CVar list below).

Scores are only maintained if the CTs keep winning - once the Terrorists win, the scores are zero'd out. If there are less than 8 players the scores read something fun :)

When there are less than 8 players on the teams, the spectators are displayed a message telling them the game needs players. I'll be enhancing that with a menu displayed to the spectators and the first one to "buzz" in gets the slot. I was thinking about using a waiting list system, but we would run the risk of putting someone from spectate on a team who was AFK. Still thinking about this and any input would be appreciated :)

Right now, I don't know of any game ending event - it's just a fun, fast paced way to play CSS.


"sm_brush_ctawpnumber" = "1" min. 1.000000 max. 3.000000

- If CTs are allowed to buy/use AWPs, how many should they be limited to?

"sm_brush_ctawps" = "1" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Allow CTs to buy/use AWPs?



"sm_brush_flashbangs" = "0" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Allow players to buy/use FlashBangs?



"sm_brush_hegrenades" = "1" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Allow players to buy/use HEGrenades?



"sm_brush_smokes" = "0" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Allow players to buy/use FlashBangs?



"sm_brush_tawpnumber" = "1" min. 1.000000 max. 5.000000

- If Ts are allowed to buy/use AWPs, how many should they be limited to?

"sm_brush_tawps" = "1" ( def. "0" ) min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Allow Ts to buy/use AWPs?



"sm_brush_useupdater" = "0" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Utilize 'Updater' plugin to auto-update CSS BRush when updates are published?



"sm_brush_useweaprestrict" = "1" min. 0.000000 max. 1.000000

- Use this plugin's weapon restrict features?


0=no - if you are going to use a different weapon restrict plugin


Updater - if you want to have the plugin auto-update when updates are published. By default, this is disabled. You can enable this from the plugin's config file by changing the cvar sm_brush_useupdater to from "0" to "1"


The following people assisted with this plugin by the posts on this forum:





To Do List:

Since this is a beta release, I have a few things to do.

- Add translation file

- Add a way to handle spectators joining a team when a slot opens up

- Add a team scrambler option for when the CTs win 8-10 times in a row

- Add different way to swap players when only 1-2 Ts kill the CTs

- Finish weapon restrict where you can configure how many of any of the grenades a player can carry.

Known Issues:

None that I could find during my testing, if you find something (which I know there will be issues), let me know via this thread and I'll address them ASAP.


If you have a feature request, let me know via this thread.


Put the .smx file in your plugins folder. After you change the map or restart your server, a config file will be created in your cfg/sourcemod folder named plugin.BRush.cfg. Open it up and configure your plugin as you see fit, restart the map or server to apply the changes you make.

You'll either have to download the .smx file or compile it yourself. The web compiler won't work due to the custom includes (which are SMLib, Colors, and Updater)

Attached Files

File Type: sp

Get Plugin or
Get Source (BRush.sp - 33.2 KB)

File Type: smx

BRush.smx (18.0 KB)

Orignal From: CSS BRush (beta)

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