Confidence in Auto-Trigger?

I am just wondering what sort of confidence (in the detections) is in the auto-trigger module? I have had two detections through it (with two detection on the same player).


L 11/01/2011 - 18:17:39: [smac_autotrigger.smx] cptClick post title for more details {IUA} (ID: STEAM_0:1:****) is suspected of using auto-trigger cheat: auto-fire (1)

L 11/01/2011 - 18:35:39: [smac_autotrigger.smx] KINGClick post title for more details. (ID: STEAM_0:0:****) is suspected of using auto-trigger cheat: auto-fire (1)

L 11/01/2011 - 18:36:10: [smac_autotrigger.smx] KINGClick post title for more details. (ID: STEAM_0:0:****) is suspected of using auto-trigger cheat: auto-fire (1)

Orignal From: Confidence in Auto-Trigger?

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