[ANY]Admin all spectate
This plugin allows admins to spec both teams with mp_forcecamera 1.
By default only admins with the cheats flag can spec everyone. This can be changed by overriding admin_allspec_flag in sourcemods override. The games that have the gamedata support are CS:S, TF2, DOD:S, and HL2DM but any game with the IsValidObserverTarget(CBaseEntity*) can have support added. CS:S and TF2 were the only ones tested.
Requires DHooks 1.0.5-alpha+ (Can be found here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=180114)
Note: that if the plugin is late loaded admin's mus reconnect before it works.
By default only admins with the cheats flag can spec everyone. This can be changed by overriding admin_allspec_flag in sourcemods override. The games that have the gamedata support are CS:S, TF2, DOD:S, and HL2DM but any game with the IsValidObserverTarget(CBaseEntity*) can have support added. CS:S and TF2 were the only ones tested.
Requires DHooks 1.0.5-alpha+ (Can be found here: https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=180114)
Note: that if the plugin is late loaded admin's mus reconnect before it works.
Orignal From: [ANY]Admin all spectate
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