[CS:S & Others] Super Beacon (v1.00, 15 April 2012)

Introduction: This is a fun admin plugin which allows admins to create beacons of many different colors around players. It even features a custom beacon which allows an admin to choose its color based on its RGB values.


-Neat user interface.

-9 Preset Beacon Colors (Blue, Cyan, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White and Yellow)

-1 Customizable Beacon (Able to set RGB values of 0 to 255 for each basic color, as well as the alpha)

-Able to decide whether plugin displays public messages when beaconing

Configuration and Adding Admins:

For configurating admin access, use the admin files in your cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs

The default flag for authorizing admins to use Super Beacon is the flag alphabet "c" (which is ADMFLAG_KICK). Simply give an admin the flag "c" and he will be able to use the Super Beacon menu.

Changing the Admin Flag:

For configurating the below, you need to edit the sourcecode. Use Notepad or PawnStudio.

If you would like to change the admin flag alphabet:

If you are using Notepad, click Edit on top, then click Replace. under Find What, type ADMFLAG_KICK. Under Replace With, type the flag name (not the alphabet) that you want to change to. Then click Replace All.

If you are using Pawn Studio, click Search on top, then click Replace, under Search For, type ADMFLAG_KICK. Under Replace With, type the flag name (not the alphabet) that you want to change to. Then click Replace It.

Here are some admin flag names you might want.







Plugin Support for Other Source Games:

This plugin is designed to work on and only has been tested on Counter-Strike: Source. It may work for other Source games as it contains no game-specific codes. Please try it out and tell me if it works on a specific game other than CS:S.

How To Use:

Command to open main menu in console: sbeacon

Command to open main menu in chat: !sbeacon

Command to open main menu in chat silently: /sbeacon

Disabling Public Messages:

To Disable Public Messages- Set server cvar: sb_display_public_message 0



v1.00- Initial release


If you would like to support this plugin, you can donate to FireWaLL servers and community at http://www.firewallcs.net/forums/misc.php?do=donate

Alternatively, you can join our popular CS:S Zombie: Reloaded server at and Deathmatch server at

Attached Files

File Type: sp

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Get Source (SuperBeacon_v1.00.sp - 73.6 KB)

Orignal From: [CS:S & Others] Super Beacon (v1.00, 15 April 2012)

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