tAdminByPassword v0.0.1 (2012-04-06)


This plugin allows to not only have one server password specified by sv_password, but to have several passwords each giving different access permissions.


This requires the Connect extension (only the Source 2009 engine is supported).

Thanks to asherkin for this.


This plugin uses a modular approach for its configuration backend. At this time there is only a keyvalues-password store implemented.

There are three options that can be set for each password: A group to assign to the player, an immunity value and a flag string. If you don't specify any of those, but just the password it will allow you to get on the server like the original sv_password one.

After changing one of the stores, you can reload (and reapply) the passwords by using the command: sm_reloadpasswords.

Using KeyValues

This is pretty much the same as you already know from the core admin system.

Configure passwords by editing addons\sourcemod\configs\admin_passwords.cfg.






                "groups"        "Administrator"

                "flags"                "z"

                "immunity"        "99"



Players connecting using the password '1234' would be added to the group 'Administrator', be given the 'z' flag and an immunity value of 99.

Writing your own stores

PHP Code:


 * This gets called everytime the core requires the password

 * storage to be refilled. All store implementations need to

 * react to this call and (re)add all of their passwords.

 * They don't need to call SVP_ReapplyPasswords, if they are

 * adding all of their passwords within this call.


 * @noreturn


forward SVP_OnRefillRequest();


 * This needs to be called by asynchronous storages after

 * adding all it's passwords to the SVP core, so all clients

 * will be rechecked and their access rights adjusted.


 * @noreturn


native SVP_ReapplyPasswords();


 * Adds a new password to the SVP core.


 * @param sPassword         Password to set access rights for.

 * @param sGroups           Groups the client joining using this password

 *                          will be in. Comma separated.

 * @param sFlags            Flags the client will be assigned to.

 * @param iImmunity         Immunity level for the client.

 * @return                  Whether the password got stored successfully.

 * @error                   Empty password, password already registered or

 *                            internal error in creating the password trie.


native bool:SVP_AddPassword(const String:sPassword[], const String:sGroups[] = "", const String:sFlags[] = ""iImmunity = -1);


 * Adds a new password trie to the SVP core. This is the raw version of

 * SVP_AddPassword().


 * @param sPassword         Password to set access rights for.

 * @param hTrie             A trie handle containing at least one of the

 *                          following keys:

 *                           flags -- Bit string of ADMFLAG values.

 *                           groups -- an avp array containg group name

 *                                     strings.

 *                           immunity -- integer immunity value.

 * @return                  Whether the password got stored successfully.

 * @error                   Empty password, password already registered or

 *                            internal error in creating the password trie.


native bool:SVP_AddPasswordTrie(const String:sPassword[], Handle:hTrie);


 * Gets the password a client connected with.


 * @param iClient            Client to retrieve the password from.

 * @param sPassword         String buffer to store the password

 * @param maxlen            Size of the string buffer.


 * @return                  false if the client did not connect using a

 *                            password.


native bool:SVP_GetClientPassword(iClientString:sPassword[], maxlen);


 * Checks whether a password already has access rights assigned.


 * @param sPassword         Password to check.


 * @return                  true if the password is already set.


native bool:SVP_PasswordExists(const String:sPassword[]); 

Public Servers:

You don't have to set the sv_password convar for this, but then your players need to connect via console to get their permissions:
connect <ip>:<port>;password <password>


Report any you find, this is not as well tested as I would have liked it to.

Attached Files

File Type: zip

tAdminPasswords_0.0.1.zip (16.5 KB)

File Type: sp

Get Plugin or
Get Source (tAdminPasswords.core.sp - 8.7 KB)

File Type: sp

Get Plugin or
Get Source (tAdminPasswords.keyvalues.sp - 1.8 KB)

File Type: inc

tadminpasswords.inc (2.8 KB)

File Type: cfg

admin_passwords.cfg (587 Bytes)

Orignal From: tAdminByPassword v0.0.1 (2012-04-06)

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