[ANY] Automatic Steam Update

[ANY] Automatic Steam Update



Once the master server notifies the server that there is an update available, and requests a restart, this plugin begins a five minute (default, customizable via cvar) timer, after which the server is restarted (by means of the _restart command). This only works on Linux SRCDS with the -autoupdate parameter added to the command line. The server must actually check for updates each run, or this plugin is pointless. The timer can be cancelled by an admin command, and the plugin will ignore any additional restart requests for a predefined period of time (defined via cvar). The timer itself is displayed in the hint box. It only displays the hint box every minute, until it reaches 60 seconds, upon which the hint box displays a live timer. Upon reaching 30 seconds, the timer is also displayed in csay.


sm_postponeupdate - postpone the update for a predefined period of time (default flag is ADMFLAG_RCON)

auto_steam_update_forceupdate - force the plugin to check for an update, provided Updater is working (console/rcon only)


auto_steam_update_version - plugin version

auto_steam_update_timer - how long the timer lasts until the server is restarted

auto_steam_update_delay - how long the plugin will ignore restart requests after an update is postponed


Put auto_steam_update.smx into /addons/sourcemod/plugins and reboot your server or type "sm plugins load auto_steam_update" into your console or rcon.


This plugin requires SteamTools.

Auto Update:

Install Updater. The plugin will be autoupdated according to your Updater settings. It'll work without Updater.

  • v1.0.0 (10/25/11)
    • Initial Release

Download Plugin (auto_steam_update.smx)

Download Source (auto_steam_update.sp) (right click > save asClick post title for more details)

Orignal From: [ANY] Automatic Steam Update

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