help me with this code
PHP Code:
#include <amxmodx>
//This will hold the VoteMenu
new gVoteMenu;
//This will hold the votes for each option
new gVotes[2];
//This determines if a vote is already happening
new gVoting;
public plugin_init()
//Register a way to get to your voteClick post title for more details
register_clcmd( "start_vote","StartVote");
public StartVote(id)
//If there is already a vote, don't start another
if( gVoting )
client_print(id, print_chat, "There is already a vote going.");
//We return PLUGIN_HANDLED so the person does not get Unknown Command in console
& nbsp;}
//Store the menu in the global
gVoteMenu = menu_create("\rLook at this Vote Menu!:", "menu_handler");
//Add some vote options
menu_additem(gVoteMenu, "Vote Option 1", "0", 0);
menu_additem(gVoteMenu, "Vote Option 2", "1", 0);
//We will need to&nbs p;create some variables so we can loop through all the players
new players[32], pnum, tempid;
//Fill players with available players
get_players(players, pnum);
//Start looping through all players to show the vote to
for( new i; i<pnum; i++ )
& nbsp;//Save a tempid so we do not re-index
tempid = players[i];
//Show the vote to this player
menu_display(tempid, gVoteMenu, 0);
//Increase how many players are voting
//End the vote in 10 seconds
set_task(10.0, "EndVote");
public menu_handler(id, menu, item)
//If the menu was exited or if there is not a vote
if( item == MENU_EXIT || !gVoting )
//Note were not destroying the menu
return PLUGIN_HANDLED< span>;
new data[6], szName[64];
new access, callback;
menu_item_getinfo(menu, item, access, data,charsmax(data), szName,charsmax(szName), callback);
//Get the id of the player that was selected
new voteid = str_to_num(data);
//Increase the votes for what they selected
//Note were not destroying the menu
public EndVote()
//If the first option recieved the most votes
if( gVotes[0] > gVotes[1] )
&nb sp; client_print(0, print_chat, "First option recieved most votes (%d)", gVotes[0] );
//Else if the second option recieved the most votes
else if( gVotes[0] < gVotes[1] )
client_print(0, print_chat, "Second option recieved most votes (%d)", gVotes[1] );
//Otherwise the vote tied
client_print(0, print_chat, "The vote tied at %d votes each.", gVotes[0] );
//Don't forget to destroy the menu now that we are completely done with it
//Reset that no players are voting
gVoting =&nbs p;0;
All votes will be deleted .
imean its save the votes .
For example:
I am starting the vote , 5 ppl Voted .
now , Passes three Raondim im starting the vote again .
And voting have been saved from the first vote .
Orignal From: help me with this code
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