Sourcemod Problems

Hi guys,

I just rented a new TF2 server and installed Sourcemod on it, along with a couple of other things. I tried using rcon_password to use admin commands but that didn't work, so I assumed it was because Sourcemod takes over the admin duties. So I set up all the admin roles, but even they won't work. I did it exactly as it says in the text files, with the right Steam ID, and nothing.

I then tried installing the Roll the Dice mod as it's mentioned, and it isn't working on my server. I've restarted it etc, but it just doesn't seem to be registering sourcemod at all. But then again, I can't get rcon commands working eitherClick post title for more details

Am I missing something? My server is boring at the moment :( Default config files work fine, if I change something in them and restart, the effects are immediate. I just can't get ANY admin rights or seem to get mods working.

Orignal From: Sourcemod Problems

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