PopupAdmin v1.52
PopupAdmin v1.52
Creates a simple admin menu system using popup script (released officially with EventScripts 1.2).
Download both PopupAdmin and Popup scripts (attachments at the end of this post) and extract them to your addons/eventscripts/ folder.
To use this script addon, you have to have loaded corelib and popup script before loading this script addon. No server restart required.
If you want to run this every time, please adjust your autoexec.cfg to execute es_load commands in this order:
[syntax="es"]mattie_eventscripts 1
es_load corelib
es_load popup
es_load popupadmin
pa_log 1[/syntax]Other than that you can have your autoexec.cfg whatever you want it to be like.
Note: As from version 1.5 the zip file does not contain admin database file. If you don't have one yet, the script creates an example file automatically on first load. Edit it to suit you, then either reload popupadmin or give console command:
es_xdoblock popupadmin/update_admin_list
In-game usage
Say "!pa" for the menu to pop out if you are in the admin list. As of version 1.1 you can also use !pa in your client console, so you can for example bind a key to open the menu.
Compatibility version 1.52
Made compatible with ES 1.5, nothing else. (does not work in 1.5 still due to problem with popup)
Changes for v1.51
Only fixed name/password recognization. In 1.5 it would authenticate everybody without a password set
What's new in v1.5
Note: Might cause some console spam about key not found, they are not serious, but due to clock showing late, I can't fix them now.
Another note: Admin recognization by IP address and Name/Password has not been tested, but should work. Report if they don't.
What's new in v1.4e
This is non-tested version. It contains following improvements:
What's v1.3e?
This is non-tested version. It fixes kick/ban not working and improves the code by replacing all es_ commands with es es_x variations. Since the replacement was done using regular expression replacement, I can't assure it is 100 % correct since I have difficulties running my game to test it. So you still have 1.2 download here, but it has kick and ban commands broken.
(Note: Script flagged as unsupported 2007-03-29 and will stay in this state until the next major version is released for which there is no timetable set)
For downloads: http://addons.eventscripts.com/addons/viewaddon/7401
Orignal From: PopupAdmin v1.52
Creates a simple admin menu system using popup script (released officially with EventScripts 1.2).
- Restrict usage by STEAM-ID, IP or name/password pair
- Slay players
- Burn players
- Freeze players
- Explode players
- Heal players
- Give weapons and items to players
- Spy players
- Anti-camp:
- Jump
- Emit sound
- Explosion
- Shoot
- Secondary fire
- Move
- Drop weapon
- Announce
- Kick players
- Perma-ban players
- Adjust player cash
- Show player info
- Change player team
- Add to admin list
- Adjust bots
- Control server
- Control other scripts
- Adjust server settings
- Mattie's EventScripts 1.3 or 2.0 (not 1.5 !)
- Popup loaded
Download both PopupAdmin and Popup scripts (attachments at the end of this post) and extract them to your addons/eventscripts/ folder.
To use this script addon, you have to have loaded corelib and popup script before loading this script addon. No server restart required.
If you want to run this every time, please adjust your autoexec.cfg to execute es_load commands in this order:
[syntax="es"]mattie_eventscripts 1
es_load corelib
es_load popup
es_load popupadmin
pa_log 1[/syntax]Other than that you can have your autoexec.cfg whatever you want it to be like.
Note: As from version 1.5 the zip file does not contain admin database file. If you don't have one yet, the script creates an example file automatically on first load. Edit it to suit you, then either reload popupadmin or give console command:
es_xdoblock popupadmin/update_admin_list
In-game usage
Say "!pa" for the menu to pop out if you are in the admin list. As of version 1.1 you can also use !pa in your client console, so you can for example bind a key to open the menu.
Compatibility version 1.52
Made compatible with ES 1.5, nothing else. (does not work in 1.5 still due to problem with popup)
Changes for v1.51
Only fixed name/password recognization. In 1.5 it would authenticate everybody without a password set
What's new in v1.5
- It works!
- Using !pa command when menu is open closes it (does not apply to player lists and the bug in popup script might prevent it from working)
- New console command pa_clearlog, clears the admin log
- pa_addlog now shows usage when used without parameters
- Removed IP display in player info when IP not saved
Note: Might cause some console spam about key not found, they are not serious, but due to clock showing late, I can't fix them now.
Another note: Admin recognization by IP address and Name/Password has not been tested, but should work. Report if they don't.
What's new in v1.4e
This is non-tested version. It contains following improvements:
- Admin authentication now uses separate file es_pa_admins_db.txt
- Admin authentication can be specified by STEAM ID, IP address and Name/Password pair (when any of those match, the user is admin)
- For user to be authenticated using password, he must use !password <password> in his console after joining the server
- Fixed exploit that could make user able to execute any command on server
- Announce now has multiple levels: off, all, admins, self to control who see the admin actions
- Fixed kick messages having two punctuations or not being shown
- Fixed script handling to be more reliable (also affects unloading popupadmin itself, the useless function)
- Added admin action logging:
- pa_log <0/1> controls if logging is enabled or not
- pa_viewlog [<start> [<end>]] show entire log or entries between start and end
- Other random fixes
What's v1.3e?
This is non-tested version. It fixes kick/ban not working and improves the code by replacing all es_ commands with es es_x variations. Since the replacement was done using regular expression replacement, I can't assure it is 100 % correct since I have difficulties running my game to test it. So you still have 1.2 download here, but it has kick and ban commands broken.
(Note: Script flagged as unsupported 2007-03-29 and will stay in this state until the next major version is released for which there is no timetable set)
For downloads: http://addons.eventscripts.com/addons/viewaddon/7401
Orignal From: PopupAdmin v1.52
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