help set max level to use hero

i want to delet some heros form the list in specific lvl's.

in lvl 4 we not need spider-man if we open bat-girl in lvl4 (same just better),

we can give up about spidyClick post title for more details its make much trush in heromenu at max lvl (100heros).

so i wrote in

cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs\shero\shconfig .cfg

"maxlevel" to spydi :



spiderman_level 0

spiderman_maxlevel 4

spiderman_moveacc 300  //How quickly he can move while on the hook

spiderman_reelspeed 400  //How fast hook line reels in

spiderman_hookstyle 2  //1=spacedude, 2=spacedude auto reel (spiderman), 3=cheap kids real (batgirl)

spiderman_teamcolored 1  //1=teamcolored web lines 0=white web lines

spiderman_maxhooks 60

i seen some heros with that command and its work, with spidy noClick post title for more details

so i understood the hero need to know that option on his plugin.

its mean to edit the hero like here?

have'nt other way to clear the heros form the list in specific level's?

without start to edit one by one the heros plugin?! (have 100 !!!! )

Orignal From: help set max level to use hero

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